The Railroad industry can be a very dangerous and fast-paced environment. As a railroader, you know first-hand how important it is to be careful working in and around trains, both on the tracks and in the yards. Railroad injuries can happen in the blink of an eye. Some of our clients have described railroad injuries happening quickly and almost in slow motion at the same time. Before you know it, you or a fellow railroader can be hurt and injured on the job.
Often, these injuries are serious enough to affect your work duty status and ability to continue working. Our firm is proud to help railroaders with injuries to their Shoulders, Arms, Wrists, Hands, Fingers, Hips, Knees, Legs, Ankles, Feet, and Toes.
If you or a loved one has suffered an on-duty railroad injury, there may be claims available under FELA (Federal Employers’ Liability Act) for your loss.
Railroaders are some of the toughest men and women around. Your ability to work so hard, sometimes through pain, is something to be revered and admired. However, if you have suffered an on-duty injury to any part of your body, it is very important that you get the correct medical attention so you can return to full form before it gets worse.
Don’t Get Railroaded ®
Contact Our Experienced Attorneys Today to Get Back On The Right Track.

As a railroader, you encounter many serious and dangerous situations daily. If you are not 100%, then you may be putting yourself and your crew at risk unnecessarily. Your health is important in both mind and body. If you do not feel yourself or 100% completely, then your attention to detail and work product could suffer because you may be overcompensating or distracted because of the pain, regardless of how much. Any little distraction while working on the railroad could mean the difference between getting home in time for dinner or never returning for dinner. Not to be dramatic, but your job as a railroader is very dangerous and requires 100% focus on your part.
If you are hurt on the railroad, your primary goal is to get better. Our job is to work on and evaluate your claim to determine what the railroad should have done differently to avoid your on-duty injury.
As soon as a railroader suffers an on-duty injury, the railroad begins putting pieces together to blame you or someone other than the Railroad. Many of our clients shiver when we tell them this. Unfortunately, our experience has shown that the railroad is not your ally after an on-duty injury. It is better for the railroad to send you to a company doctor and have you return to work, even if prematurely and too quickly than for you to get the proper medical treatment to evaluate and treat your injuries.
Regardless of the location and significance of the injury, it is important that you speak with an experienced FELA attorney about any on-duty injuries you suffer. We have helped railroaders with injuries to their Shoulders, Arms, Wrists, Hands, Fingers, Hips, Knees, Legs, Ankles, Feet, and Toes. We have also represented railroaders with neck, back, and spine injuries, as well as traumatic brain injuries.
No case is too small for our firm. We are very proud to work with railroaders nationwide.
Get Guidance After an On-Duty Railroad Injury
Let’s Get You back On Track.
Our goal is to lead you from a difficult situation to a successful outcome, so you can move forward with your life and return to doing what you love doing as a railroader. If you have been injured or hurt on duty for the railroad, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you and help you and your family through these difficult circumstances. There may be claims available under FELA (Federal Employers’ Liability Act) for your loss.
Please give us a call or send us a live chat message on our website to schedule a meeting with one of our FELA railroad attorneys. Our consultations and case reviews are absolutely FREE, with no obligation to you or your family.
Click here to learn more about some of the railroaders we have helped.
Carisa advised me regularly. I never had to worry about being able to get in contact with her. Carisa is different than the lawyers I’ve come in contact with before. She’s very personal.